About The_Con_Fluence Covers...
Welcome to the intersection of awesome; where cons, comics, sci-fi, Disney, collecting, and general geek goodness collide into some of the most fun in the world. Check back frequently for tips on how to make all of your experiences a little more nerdtastic!
Shawn Marshall

Shawn's been obsessed with comics, sci-fi, and toys; long before stars went to SDCC or Marvel imagined movie franchises. He was the kid that didn't play with his action figures outside and didn't like playing with other kids because they didn't take care of their comics or toys. The kid has grown up, but he still doesn't like people touching his comics or toys. Today he spends as much time, as he can, covering the best in pop culture events. Conventions, collecting, and amusement parks are among his favorite things to cover.
Follow him on Twitter, @The_Con_Fluence.
Carmelle Marshall

Carmelle didn't start out as comic lover, but her obsession with reading gradually grew and she left her Nancy Drew stories behind for things like Sandman and Batman. She's a veteran of the con scene and is known for being an expert at getting the most elusive exclusives and swag at places like SDCC. Carmelle is the production mastermind behind all productions you'll find on this site.
Follow her on Twitter, @Con_noisseur.